
   I agree with you. Not completely, but I do.

   I'm just stuck in a situation where I can't figure out what values to use
for the parameters. I can't even think of a way on how to test and discover
   I followed Josh Berkus' GUC spreadsheet and some tutorials on PG wiki,
but how do I test if my configuration is good or bad? I see in PG log that
some queries have bad plans, but should I do in order to tell PG to make
better decisions? I tried different values with no success.

   I understand that parameters have no "work everywhere" values. Each
database has its characteristics and each server has its HW specifications.

   Is there any automated test tool? A can compile a list of real-world
queries, and provide an exact copy of my db server just for testing. But how
do I do it? Write a bunch of scripts? Is there any serious tool that try
different parameters, run a load test, process results and generate reports?

   Again, thanks all of you for the replies.


Fabrício dos Anjos Silva
LinkCom Soluções em T.I.

2010/10/1 Kevin Grittner <>

> Craig Ringer <> wrote:
> > Because the query often only wants a small subset of the data, and
> > whole relations are rarely fully cached, it's not enough to know
> > that "some of relation X is cached", it has to know if the cached
> > parts are the parts that'll be required, or at least an
> > approximation of that. It sounds horrendously complicated to keep
> > track of to me, and in the end it won't make query execution any
> > faster, it'll just potentially help the planner pick a better
> > plan. I wonder if that'd be worth the extra CPU time spent
> > managing the cache and cache content stats, and using those cache
> > stats when planning? It'd be an interesting experiment, but the
> > outcome is hardly obvious.
> I agree with that, but I think there's an even more insidious issue
> here.  Biasing plans heavily toward using what is already in cache
> could have a destabilizing effect on performance.  Let's say that
> some query or maintenance skews the cache toward some plan which is
> much slower when cached than another plan would be if cached.  Let's
> also postulate that this query runs very frequently.  It will always
> settle for what's fastest *this* time, not what would make for
> fastest performance if consistently used.  If it never chooses the
> plan which would run better if cached, the data used for that plan
> may never make it into cache, and you will limp along with the
> inferior plan forever.
> If you set the overall level of caching you expect, the optimizer
> will tend to wind up with data cached to support the optimal plans
> for that level of caching for the frequently run queries.
> -Kevin

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