Use a replicated setup?

On Nov 8, 2010 4:21 PM, "Lello, Nick" <> wrote:

How about either:-

a)   Size the pool so all your data fits into it.

b)   Use a RAM-based filesystem (ie: a memory disk or SSD) for the
data storage [memory disk will be faster] with a Smaller pool
- Your seed data should be a copy of the datastore on disk filesystem;
at startup time copy the storage files from the physical to memory.

A bigger gain can probably be had if you have a tightly controlled
suite of queries that will be run against the database and you can
spend the time to tune each to ensure it performs no sequential scans
(ie: Every query uses index lookups).

On 5 November 2010 11:32, A B <> wrote:
>>> If you just wanted PostgreSQL to g...

Nick Lello | Web Architect
o +1 503.284.7581 x418 / +44 (0) 8433309374 | m +44 (0) 7917 138319
Email: nick.lello at

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