2010/12/4 Mathieu De Zutter <math...@dezutter.org>

> For each page load I first create an entry in that table, e.g.:
> INSERT INTO log_event (user_id, ip, action_id, object1_id, object2_id,
> event_timestamp, comments) VALUES (1, '', 96, null, null,
> NOW(), 'TEST');
> After that, I want to retrieve the data stored in log_event from a
> trigger, e.g.:
> SELECT user_id FROM log_event WHERE id = CURRVAL('log_event_id_seq');
> This way my insert-trigger knows who is creating the new row, while
> using only one pg-user to query the database.
> Please note that you can use next query to perform both insert and select:

INSERT INTO log_event (user_id, ip, action_id, object1_id, object2_id,
event_timestamp, comments) VALUES (1, '', 96, null, null,
NOW(), 'TEST') returning user_id;
Best regards,
 Vitalii Tymchyshyn

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