Some info:
PostgreSQL version: 9.1.2

Table "cache":
Rows count: 3 471 081
Column "tsv" tsvector
Index "cache_tsv" USING gin (tsv)

If i do query like THIS:

*SELECT id FROM table WHERE tsv @@ to_tsquery('test:*');*
It uses index and returns results immediately:

explain analyze
'Bitmap Heap Scan on cache  (cost=1441.78..63802.63 rows=19843 width=4)
(actual time=29.309..31.518 rows=1358 loops=1)'
'  Recheck Cond: (tsv @@ to_tsquery('test:*'::text))'
'  ->  Bitmap Index Scan on cache_tsv  (cost=0.00..1436.82 rows=19843
width=0) (actual time=28.966..28.966 rows=1559 loops=1)'
'        Index Cond: (tsv @@ to_tsquery('test:*'::text))'
'Total runtime: 31.789 ms'

But the performance problems starts when i do the same query specifying
*SELECT id FROM cache WHERE tsv @@ to_tsquery('test:*') limit 20;*

By some reason index is not used.

explain analyze
'Limit  (cost=0.00..356.23 rows=20 width=4) (actual time=7.984..765.550
rows=20 loops=1)'
'  ->  Seq Scan on cache  (cost=0.00..353429.50 rows=19843 width=4) (actual
time=7.982..765.536 rows=20 loops=1)'
'        Filter: (tsv @@ to_tsquery('test:*'::text))'
'Total runtime: 765.620 ms'

Some more debug notes:
1) If i set SET enable_seqscan=off; then query uses indexes correctly
2) Also i notified, if i use: to_tsquery('test') without wildcard search
:*, then index is used correctly in both queries, with or without LIMIT

Any ideas how to fix the problem?
Thank you

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