Thanks for the help, Jeff and Josh.  It looks reclustering the multi-column
index might solve things.  For my particular query, because I'm getting a
range of records back, it makes sense that reclustering will benefit me if
I have a slow disk even if I had expected that the indices would be
sufficient .  I now need to make sure that the speed up I'm seeing is not
because things have been cached.

That being said, here's what I have:
2CPUs, 12 physical cores, hyperthreaded (24 virtual cores), 2.67Ghz
96G RAM, 80G available to dom0
CentOS 5.8, Xen
3Gbps SATA (7200 RPM, Hitachi ActiveStar Enterprise Class)

So, I have lots of RAM, but not necessarily the fastest disk.

default_statistics_target = 50 # pgtune wizard 2011-03-16
maintenance_work_mem = 1GB # pgtune wizard 2011-03-16
constraint_exclusion = on # pgtune wizard 2011-03-16
checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9 # pgtune wizard 2011-03-16
effective_cache_size = 24GB # pgtune wizard 2011-03-16
work_mem = 192MB # pgtune wizard 2011-03-16
wal_buffers = 8MB # pgtune wizard 2011-03-16
checkpoint_segments = 128 # pgtune wizard 2011-03-16, amended by am,
shared_buffers = 4GB # pgtune wizard 2011-03-16
max_connections = 100 # pgtune wizard 2011-03-16: 80, bumped up to 100
max_locks_per_transaction = 1000

I didn't know about explain (analyze,buffers).  Very cool.  So, based on
your advice,  I ran it and here's what I found:

1st time I ran the query:
                                                                QUERY PLAN

 Bitmap Heap Scan on data_part_213  (cost=113.14..13725.77 rows=4189
width=16) (actual time=69.807..2763.174 rows=5350 loops=1)
   Recheck Cond: ((data_id >= 50544630) AND (data_id <= 50549979))
   Filter: ((dataset_id = 213) AND (stat_id = 6))
   Buffers: shared read=4820
   ->  Bitmap Index Scan on data_unq_213  (cost=0.00..112.09 rows=5142
width=0) (actual time=51.918..51.918 rows=5350 loops=1)
         Index Cond: ((data_id >= 50544630) AND (data_id <= 50549979))
         Buffers: shared read=19
 Total runtime: 2773.099 ms
(8 rows)

the second time I run the query it's very fast, since all the buffered read
counts have turned into hit counts showing I'm reading from cache (as I
                                                               QUERY PLAN

 Bitmap Heap Scan on data_part_213  (cost=113.14..13725.77 rows=4189
width=16) (actual time=1.661..14.376 rows=5350 loops=1)
   Recheck Cond: ((data_id >= 50544630) AND (data_id <= 50549979))
   Filter: ((dataset_id = 213) AND (stat_id = 6))
   Buffers: shared hit=4819
   ->  Bitmap Index Scan on data_unq_213  (cost=0.00..112.09 rows=5142
width=0) (actual time=0.879..0.879 rows=5350 loops=1)
         Index Cond: ((data_id >= 50544630) AND (data_id <= 50549979))
         Buffers: shared hit=18
 Total runtime: 20.232 ms
(8 rows)

Next, I tried reclustering a partition with the multicolumn-index.  the big
things is that the read count has dropped dramatically!
 Index Scan using data_part_214_dataset_stat_data_idx on data_part_214
 (cost=0.00..7223.05 rows=4265 width=16) (actual time=0.093..7.251
rows=5350 loops=1)
   Index Cond: ((dataset_id = 214) AND (data_id >= 50544630) AND (data_id
<= 50549979) AND (stat_id = 6))
   Buffers: shared hit=45 read=24
 Total runtime: 12.929 ms
(4 rows)

second time:
 Index Scan using data_part_214_dataset_stat_data_idx on data_part_214
 (cost=0.00..7223.05 rows=4265 width=16) (actual time=0.378..7.696
rows=5350 loops=1)
   Index Cond: ((dataset_id = 214) AND (data_id >= 50544630) AND (data_id
<= 50549979) AND (stat_id = 6))
   Buffers: shared hit=68
 Total runtime: 13.511 ms
(4 rows)

So, it looks like clustering the index appropriately fixes things!  Also,
I'll recreate the index switching the order to (dataset_id, stat_id,data_id)


On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 11:20 AM, Jeff Janes <> wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 9:17 AM, Anish Kejariwal <>
> wrote:
> >
> > Below are the tables, queries, and execution plans with my questions with
> > more detail.  (Since I have 250 partitions, I can query one partition
> after
> > the other to ensure that I'm not pulling results form the cache)
> Doesn't that explain why it is slow?  If you have 15000 rpm drives and
> each row is in a different block and uncached, it would take 20
> seconds to read them all in.  You are getting 10 times better than
> that, either due to caching or because your rows are clustered, or
> because effective_io_concurrency is doing its thing.
> >
> > explain analyze select data_id, dataset_id, stat from data_part_201 where
> > dataset_id = 201
> > and stat_id = 6 and data_id>=50544630 and data_id<=50549979;
> What does "explain (analyze, buffers)" show?
> > QUESTION 1: you can see that the query is very simple.  is this the
> optimal
> > execution plan? any tips on what to look into to increase performance?
> >
> > I then tried adding the following multi-column index:
> > "data_part_202_dataset_regionset_data_idx" btree (dataset_id, data_id,
> > stat_id)
> Since you query stat_id for equality and data_id for range, you should
> probably reverse the order of those columns in the index.
> >
> > If I do the following:  reindex table data_part_204 the query now takes
> > 50-70 milliseconds.  Is this because the table is getting cached?  How
> do I
> > know if a particular query is coming from the cache?
> Using explain (analyze, buffers) will show you if it is coming from
> the shared_buffers cache.
> It is harder to see if it is coming from the file system cache.  If
> the server is mostly idle other than your stuff, you can run vmstat
> and see how much physical IO is caused by your activity.
> Cheers,
> Jeff

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