On 11/8/2012 6:58 AM, Shaun Thomas wrote:
On 11/07/2012 09:16 PM, David Boreham wrote:

bash-4.1$ /usr/pgsql-9.2/bin/pgbench -T 600 -j 48 -c 48

Unfortunately without -S, you're not really testing the processors. A regular pgbench can fluctuate a more than that due to writing and checkpoints.
Hmm...my goal was to test with a workload close to our application's (which is heavy OLTP, small transactions and hence sensitive to I/O commit rate). The hypothesis I was testing was that enabling HT positively degrades performance (which in my case it does not). I wasn't to be honest really testing the additional benefit from HT, rather observing that it is non-negative :)

If I have time I can run the select-only test for you and post the results. The DB fits into memory so it will be a good CPU test.

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