> SELECT * FROM FullTextSearch WHERE content_tsv_gin @@
> plainto_tsquery('english', 'good');
> It's slow (> 30 sec.) for some GB (27886 html files, originally 73 MB zipped).
> The planner obviously always chooses table scan


A probable reason for the time difference is the cost for decompressing toasted 
At lest in 8.3, the planner was not good at estimating it.

I'm getting better overall performances since I've stopped collect statistic on 
An alternative would have been to disallow compression on them.

I'm aware this is a drastic way and would not recommend it without testing. The 
benefit may depend on the type of data you are indexing.
In our use case these are error logs with many java stack traces, hence with 
many lexemes poorly discriminative.

see: http://www.postgresql.org/message-id/27953.1329434...@sss.pgh.pa.us
as a comment on


Marc Mamin

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