Not sure what is going on but other than upgrading to 9.3.4 from 9.2.4, i'm
seeing major slowness in basic queries and seeing a ton of the bind and
parse in my logs. These are standard lookups and should take micro seconds.
I'm logging all queries that take over a second and this seems to be
getting worse, seems like it's snowballing.

2014-11-04 08:54:52 PST clsdb cls 14857 2014-11-04
08:54:52.476 PSTLOG:  duration: 2206.070 ms  parse dbdpg_p12768_2: SELECT
contact_seq_id, status FROM cls.contacts
cust_seq_id = $1
AND contact_id = $2

2014-11-04 08:54:52 PST clsdb cls 14882 2014-11-04
08:54:52.394 PSTLOG:  duration: 1624.847 ms  bind dbdpg_p21610_2: SELECT
contact_seq_id, status FROM cls.contacts
cust_seq_id = $1
AND contact_id = $2

CentOS 6.x
Postgres:  9.3.4
256GB Mem

I'm tearing up my system to see what is happening, the postgres is the only
change, the processes or the data is not. I tried tuning postgresql.conf
and modifed effective cache etc, but I've reverted it all, so again just
looking for some assistance.

Again no I/O have plenty of memory etc. The server is running hotter than
it used to as well.


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