Albe Laurenz <> writes:
> Phil S wrote:
>> explain analyze
>> select * from message
>> limit 1
>> "Limit  (cost=0.00..0.44 rows=1 width=1517) (actual time=0.009..0.009 rows=1 
>> loops=1)"
>> "  ->  Seq Scan on message  (cost=0.00..28205.48 rows=64448 width=1517) 
>> (actual time=0.007..0.007
>> rows=1 loops=1)"
>> "Planning time: 3667.361 ms"
>> "Execution time: 1.652 ms"
>> As you can see the query is simple and does not justify 3 seconds of 
>> planning time. It would appear
>> that there is an issue with my configuration but I am not able to find 
>> anything that looks out of
>> sorts in the query planning configuration variables. Any advice about what I 
>> should be looking for to
>> fix this would be appreciated.

> This is odd.
> Could you profile the backend during such a statement to see where the time 
> is spent?

I'm wondering about locks.  Perhaps turning on log_lock_waits would
yield useful info.

                        regards, tom lane

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