Sorry, brain stopped working and I forgot to include the normal info.

Postgres version: 9.5.1
Hardware: 2 core, 4gb Digital Ocean virtual server
OS: Debian

explain analyze for an example update:
'Update on price_generated  (cost=32.45..644.83 rows=1 width=157) (actual
time=29329.614..29329.614 rows=0 loops=1)'
'  ->  Nested Loop  (cost=32.45..644.83 rows=1 width=157) (actual
time=29329.608..29329.608 rows=0 loops=1)'
'        ->  HashAggregate  (cost=32.04..34.35 rows=231 width=52) (actual
time=1.137..2.090 rows=231 loops=1)'
'              Group Key: pti.product_id, pti.company_id, pti.date_range'
'              ->  Seq Scan on _prices_to_insert pti  (cost=0.00..30.31
rows=231 width=52) (actual time=0.060..0.678 rows=231 loops=1)'
'        ->  Index Scan using
price_generated_company_product_date_active_excl on price_generated
 (cost=0.41..2.63 rows=1 width=151) (actual time=126.949..126.949 rows=0
'              Index Cond: (date_range = pti.date_range)'
'              Filter: ((upper(active_range) IS NULL) AND (pti.product_id =
product_id) AND (pti.company_id = company_id))'
'              Rows Removed by Filter: 29460'
'Planning time: 3.134 ms'
'Execution time: 29406.717 ms'

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