
Thank you very much for your answers.

Yes, 50 rows aren't enough, but the original table has about 14 million rows 
and after analyzing the table I got the same result. 

We changed our functions and used string_to_array instead of unnest and its ok. 

It was not only a problem with one value to be selected. The problem exists 
with three or more too. Maybe the implementation of unnest has changed from 
V9.1 to V9.5. In V9.1 there was only one array as argument. Since V9.4 we can 
use more than one array as argument. And so the planner works different. So, if 
we change from one version to another in the future, we have to check the 
PostgreSQL-functions if the behaviour of the function or the planner has 
changed and then replace the function. It would be great if we could see this 
in the documentation.


Udo Knels
treubuch IT GmbH

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