On 13 January 2017 at 12:00, Stuart Bishop <stu...@stuartbishop.net> wrote:

> On 7 January 2017 at 02:33, Ivan Voras <ivo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I forgot to add one more information, the databases are 50G+ each so
>> doing the base backup on demand over the network is not a great option.
> If you don't want to rebuild your report databases, you can use PostgreSQL
> built in replication to keep them in sync. Just promote the replica to a
> primary, run your reports, then wind it back to a standby and let it catch
> up.

Ah, that's a nice option, didn't know about pg_rewind! I need to read about
it some more...
So far, it seems like the best one.

> Personally though, I'd take the opportunity to set up wal shipping and
> point in time recovery on your primary, and rebuild your reporting database
> regularly from these backups. You get your fresh reporting database on
> demand without overloading the primary, and regularly test your backups.

I don't think that would solve the main problem. If I set up WAL shipping,
then the secondary server will periodically need to ingest the logs, right?
And then I'm either back to running it for a while and rewinding it, as
you've said, or basically restoring it from scratch every time which will
be slower than just doing a base backup, right?

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