Postgres Gurus,

Thank you all so much for your continued hard work with Postgres—the DB is 
amazing and I continue to look forward to each new release!  One feature I’ve 
grown to love in the last year or two is the ltree column type.  Unfortunately, 
I am starting to run into significant DB contention when performing basic and 
complex queries involving the ltree path and its associated GiST index.  Here’s 
my setup:

* PostgreSQL version 9.6.1 running on AWS RDS
    * 1 x master (db.r3.large - 2 vCPUs, 15GB RAM)
    * 1 x read replica (db.r3.large - 2 vCPUs, 15GB RAM)
    * extensions:
        * ltree v1.1
        * btree-gist v1.2

I have a table called “organizations” with about 500,000 rows in it.  The 
relevant portion of the schema looks like this:

                        Table "public.organizations"
     Column      |           Type           |           Modifiers            
 id              | character varying(36)    | not null
 path            | ltree                    | 
    "organizations_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "path_gist_idx" gist (path)
    "path_idx" btree (path)

The id column is a UUID and the path column is an ltree containing id-like 
hierarchical values.  Example data is:

                  id                  |                                         
 dba3511f-32ef-486f-ade2-7540ae28922e | root.dba3511f32ef486fade27540ae28922e
 0209a983-88fa-47df-8328-6d9f39d60951 | 
 05a49dba-a823-42e3-9f4b-f9ec9cdffcde | 
 07166591-aba2-4e91-a00b-e1491edaa9b3 | 
 0777d32b-33f9-4131-a552-7e8b8a1355bb | 
 07ad8c30-76ad-4ea9-99c5-8e934ce45b03 | 
 09566d1a-4924-4311-8687-d4389c130e76 | 
 09cca793-af47-4f79-938f-72e1f37a5580 | 
 0edc1ba7-830a-4da9-8f69-d3eb0611946f | 
 10b20349-7da4-41d8-a780-e09b750b9236 | 
 2d55bfbb-4785-4368-a7e8-45afef6ae753 | 
(196 rows)

I’m trying to track down issues causing queries to take 10-200ms and, I think, 
causing contention within the database which exacerbates the all query times.

Issue #1:  the query planner costs seem to be inaccurate, despite running 
ANALYZE on the organizations table and REINDEX on the GiST index:

db=> EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT path FROM organizations WHERE path ~ 
                                                        QUERY PLAN              
 Bitmap Heap Scan on organizations  (cost=72.25..1880.85 rows=495 width=134) 
(actual time=0.273..0.547 rows=195 loops=1)
   Recheck Cond: (path ~ 'root.dba3511f32ef486fade27540ae28922e.*{1,}'::lquery)
   Heap Blocks: exact=175
   ->  Bitmap Index Scan on path_gist_idx  (cost=0.00..72.12 rows=495 width=0) 
(actual time=0.252..0.252 rows=195 loops=1)
         Index Cond: (path ~ 
 Planning time: 0.061 ms
 Execution time: 0.603 ms
(7 rows)

The previous sample data excerpt shows 196 rows out of almost 500,000 are a 
child of the ltree path being searched.  The query planner shows a cost 
estimate of:

cost=72.25..1880.85 rows=495

and an actual time/rows of:

actual time=0.273..0.547 rows=195

If I modify the query slightly to avoid the ‘~’ operator with the ltree GiST 
index, it improves the cost estimate and, in a production environment with lots 
of contention, the query takes about half the time to execute:

db=> EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT path FROM organizations WHERE path <@ 
'root.dba3511f32ef486fade27540ae28922e' AND path != 
                                                       QUERY PLAN               
 Bitmap Heap Scan on organizations  (cost=8.80..204.18 rows=50 width=134) 
(actual time=0.298..0.606 rows=195 loops=1)
   Recheck Cond: (path <@ 'root.dba3511f32ef486fade27540ae28922e'::ltree)
   Filter: (path <> 'root.dba3511f32ef486fade27540ae28922e'::ltree)
   Rows Removed by Filter: 1
   Heap Blocks: exact=176
   ->  Bitmap Index Scan on path_gist_idx  (cost=0.00..8.79 rows=50 width=0) 
(actual time=0.222..0.222 rows=196 loops=1)
         Index Cond: (path <@ 'root.dba3511f32ef486fade27540ae28922e'::ltree)
 Planning time: 0.115 ms
 Execution time: 0.665 ms
(9 rows)

Both queries hit the GiST index and yet still have wildly inaccurate cost 
estimates.  Can anyone provide advice on how to further track down the 
contention issues related to these queries?  Or further optimizations to make 
on the ltree field?  I think this is all related to the inaccurate cost 
estimates but I’m not sure.

Issue #2:

When using the same query with a join, combined with high CPU utilization due 
to contention, the an entire query takes orders of magnitude longer (32ms) than 
it’s individual components (index only scan of 0.161ms and bitmap heap scan of 

db=> EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT o.path FROM organizations o,  hostname h WHERE 
= h.organization_id AND path ~ 'root.dba3511f32ef486fade27540ae28922e.*{1,}';
 Nested Loop  (cost=72.66..3303.89 rows=41 width=134) (actual 
time=32.530..32.530 rows=0 loops=1)
   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on organizations o  (cost=72.25..1880.85 rows=495 
width=171) (actual time=0.400..0.894 rows=195 loops=1)
         Recheck Cond: (path ~ 
         Heap Blocks: exact=175
         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on path_gist_idx  (cost=0.00..72.12 rows=495 
width=0) (actual time=0.374..0.374 rows=195 loops=1)
               Index Cond: (path ~ 
   ->  Index Only Scan using hostname_organization_id_idx on hostname h  
(cost=0.41..2.86 rows=1 width=37) (actual time=0.161..0.161 rows=0 loops=195)
         Index Cond: (organization_id = (
         Heap Fetches: 0
 Planning time: 0.521 ms
 Execution time: 32.577 ms
(11 rows)

Does anyone have any ideas on helping to track down issues with contention?  
I’m not seeing any locks, so I’m thinking it’s related to these queries taking 
longer and stacking up on top of each other.  The above JOIN query is taking on 
average 30ms to complete at a rate of about 10 queries/second.



PC Drew
t:  (800) 313-6438 <tel:%28800%29-313-6438>
e: <> <> - School Websites Reimagined

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