On 06/10/2017 07:32 PM, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> Frits Jalvingh wrote:
>> So, I am still very interested in getting normal inserts faster, because
>> that will gain speed for all work.. If Oracle can do it, and Postgres is
>> able to insert fast with copy- where lies the bottleneck with the insert
>> command? There seems to be quite a performance hit with the JDBC driver
>> itself (as the stored procedure is a lot faster), so I can look into that.
>> But even after that there is quite a gap..
> Did you try inserting multiple tuples in one command?  Something like
> INSERT INTO .. VALUES ('col1', 'col2'), ('col1', 'col2'), ('col1', 'col2')
> It's supposed to be faster than single-row inserts, though I don't
> know by how much.

When I did the testing of the patch originally I saw significant
improvements, e.g. 8x in early versions. The thread is here:


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