On 2017-07-19 14:23, Dinesh Chandra 12108 wrote:
Dear expert,

I have to create a user which have permission to CREATE SCHEMAS AND

I am using postgres 9.1.

Could you please assist me?

Access control is managed using the GRANT command: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/sql-grant.html

About halfway down that page it says:

For databases, allows new schemas to be created within the database.

For schemas, allows new objects to be created within the schema. To rename an existing object, you must own the object and have this privilege for the containing schema.

For tablespaces, allows tables, indexes, and temporary files to be created within the tablespace, and allows databases to be created that have the tablespace as their default tablespace. (Note that revoking this privilege will not alter the placement of existing objects.)

I suggest you try it out on a test database first.

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