I have a table 

                 Table "test"
Column  |            Type        | Modifiers
data    | integer                | not null 
data1   | character varying(128) | not null
data2   | character varying(128) | not null

(Note: data is NOT the primary key.)

select * from test 

 data | data1 | data2 
    1 | foo   | bar 
    2 | greg  | bar
    3 | pooh  | bar
    4 | dah   | peng

I need a query that returns me the "data1" that satisfies the logic of
the following pseudo code:

1: select data2 into @out from test where data1 = 'pooh'
2: select data1 from test where data2 = @out and data = 3

What do I do?


Wei Weng
Network Software Engineer
KenCast Inc.

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