Tom Lane wrote:
> Peter Eisentraut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Is there a way to query the database system identifier that
> > pg_controldata outputs from SQL?
> Don't think so.  Do you have a use-case for providing a function to
> return that?

I'd like to find out whether two connections are really to the same 

This is in the context of an installation routine for a database 
application which pulls the connection parameters for several databases 
from a configuration file and creates various things there.  It should, 
however, only create roles once if the connection parameters point to 
the same server (if the user only expects a small installation, say).

A workaround is to compare inet_server_addr() and inet_server_port(), 
but that is not 100% safe because it doesn't cover Unix-domain sockets 
using different paths.

Peter Eisentraut

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