Thanks! How would I find the highest score in the union of the two tables?

I tried this but it can't find unionTable:

(select fnam1 as fname,lname1 as lname, score1 as score
from myscorestable
select fnam2 as fname,lname2 as lname, score2 as score
from myscorestable) as unionTable
WHERE unionTable.score= (SELECT max(unionTable.score) FROM unionTable);

Shane Ambler wrote:
Kevin Jenkins wrote:

I have the following table which holds the result of 1 on 1 matches:

FName1, LName1, Score1, FName2, LName2, Score2, Date
John,   Doe,    85      Bill,   Gates,  20      Jan 1.
John,   Archer, 90      John,   Doe,    120     Jan 5
Bob,    Barker, 70      Calvin, Klien   8       Jan 8
John,   Doe,    60      Bill,   Gates,  25      Jan 3.

So columns 1 and 2 hold the first person. Column 3 holds his score. Columns 4 and 5 hold the second person. Column 6 holds his score.

I want to return the most recent score for each person (be they an opponent or myself). And the resultant table shouldn't care if they are person 1 or 2.

So the end result would be

FName,   LName, Score, Date
John,    Doe,   120    Jan 5.
John,    Archer 90     Jan 5.
Bob,     Barker 70     Jan 8
Bill,    Gates  25     Jan 3
Calvin   Klien  8      Jan 8

Thanks for any help!

First I would say you should have one person in a row and have another table to join them like you want.

Try (untested just guessing) -

select fnam1 as fname,lname1 as lname, score1 as score
from myscorestable


select fnam2 as fname,lname2 as lname, score2 as score
from myscorestable

order by 3

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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