On Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 9:32 AM, Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
<m...@webthatworks.it> wrote:
> My current problem is how to manage discounts in SQL, inside
> transactions. Specifically how to "delete" promotions if they are
> overlapping, considering I have to display discounted prices on a 1M
> article DB and I may have hundreds of promotions running and they
> may involve even 10% of the catalogue. But this is just the
> beginning.
> I bet I'll have different set of problems later.

Well, if you can't find a book that deals with it, I'm betting someone
on the list will understand the issue and help out. :)

> I skimmed through Celko books and at the moment they seems the
> nearest thing to what I'd like to learn even if too much
> "theoretical" at the moment. O'Reilly "SQL cookbook" is another
> example of the kind of stuff I'm looking for... but the examples are
> more like ingredients then recipes.

I highly recommend Celko's SQL books.  They may seem too theoretical,
but they have a lot of good information I found myself reusing all the
time when I first started out.  I was a little disconcerted by his
resemblence to Anton Lavie (sp) at first though.

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