Thomas Kellerer <> writes:
> My database is initialized as follows:

> postgres=# select version();
>                              version
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>   PostgreSQL 9.1beta1, compiled by Visual C++ build 1500, 32-bit
> (1 row)

I gather this is on Windows.

Windows has its own notion of locale names, which look like this:

>   lc_collate      | German_Germany.1252

rather than the "de_DE" type of convention that's used by every other
platform on the planet.  There is not yet support in initdb for
pre-populating pg_collation with Windows-style entries, so you will
have to create your own entries.  Presumably this would work for you,
for instance:

CREATE COLLATION german (locale='German_Germany.1252');

I don't know how to find out exactly what locale names are recognized by
Windows, so can't help you much further than that.

                        regards, tom lane

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