
yeah, I am okay with design prudence, just used to be so paranoid about
performance that just any possible "one more thing to do" gets me nervous
:) Language versions do exist, say Dutch has different orthography
depending on what convention is used, so you may well need to suddenly add
a further level of definition. But you can pretty much do that by a
sequence of alter tables, especially in a situation like this.

Oh well, we are discussing principles as applied to a practical situation
that we actually ignore, so...

It's been a pleasure, but unless we get more detail... not much we can do
apart from putting out personal preferences :)


On 24 July 2013 11:05, Luca Ferrari <fluca1...@infinito.it> wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 11:47 AM, Bèrto ëd Sèra <berto.d.s...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > It looks heavy, performance-wise. If this is not OLTP intensive you can
> > probably survive, but I'd still really be interested to know ow you can
> end
> > up having non unique records on a Cartesian product, where the PK is
> defined
> > by crossing the two defining tables. Unless you take your PK down there
> is
> > no way that can happen, and even if it does, a cartesian product defining
> > how many languages a user speaks does not look like needing more than
> > killing doubles. So what would be the rationale for investing process
> into
> > this?
> You are probably right: you are like to never refactor this kind of
> design, and this situation using a surrogate key is useless. But what
> happens if your language is no more uniquely identified by
> lpp_language_id? Suppose you need to track also the language version
> and therefore a language is identified by the couple (id, version). In
> this case you have to refactor two tables: the language one and the
> person-language join table.
> Having a surrogate key on both sides allows you to smoothly add such
> constraint without having to refactor the latter table and ensuring
> all previous joins still work.
> Ok, not a really smart example, but the only one that comes into my
> mind at the moment.
> Luca

If Pac-Man had affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in a
darkened room munching pills and listening to repetitive music.

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