I tried(!) to write this as a with (CTE), but failed.

Can one of the CTE experts (or better SQL writer) help me here?

-- generate a table of timestamps to match against
generate_series(date_trunc('day',now()-'45 days'::interval),now()+'1 hour'::inte
rval,'1 hour')
   AS thetime  into temp table timestamps;

-- get a count of logged in users for a particular time
SELECT thetime,case extract(dow  from thetime)
               when 0 then 'Sunday'
               when 1 then 'Monday'
               when 2 then 'Tuesday'
               when 3 then 'Wednesday'
               when 4 then 'Thursday'
               when 5 then 'Friday'
when 6 then 'Saturday' end AS "Day", count(*) AS "#LoggedIn"
FROM  timestamps,user_session
WHERE thetime BETWEEN login_time AND COALESCE(logout_time, now())
GROUP BY thetime
ORDER BY thetime;

Thanks for any help at all.

Larry Rosenman                     http://www.lerctr.org/~ler
Phone: +1 214-642-9640 (c)     E-Mail: l...@lerctr.org
US Mail: 108 Turvey Cove, Hutto, TX 78634-5688

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