I've managed to do it using a function, shown below, but is there a better 

create type site_user_department_limits as (s_id char, de_id int4, date date, 
day_id_week int4, day_limit);

create  or replace function site_user_department_limits(date,date) 
  returns setof site_user_department_limits as '
select s.s_id, s.de_id, v.date,v.day_of_week::int4, 
coalesce(l.day_limit,s.day_limit,0)::int4 as day_limit from (
     select date_range as date, extract(DOW from date_range) as day_of_week 
from date_range($1,$2)
) as v
left outer join site_user_department_standard_week s on s.day_of_week = 
left outer join site_user_department_date_limit l on s.s_id = l.s_id and 
s.de_id = l.de_id and v.date = l.de_date
language sql;

goole=# select * from site_user_department_limits('2013-10-06','2013-10-12');
 s_id | de_id |    date    | day_id_week | day_limit 
 H    |    80 | 2013-10-06 |           0 |         0
 H    |    80 | 2013-10-07 |           1 |         5
 H    |    80 | 2013-10-08 |           2 |         5
 H    |    80 | 2013-10-09 |           3 |         5
 H    |    80 | 2013-10-10 |           4 |         8
 H    |    80 | 2013-10-11 |           5 |         3
 H    |    80 | 2013-10-12 |           6 |         2
(7 rows)


Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages

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