Wow, thanks for the detailed explanation. That is really interesting!


Am 20.05.2013 um 17:57 schrieb Marcus Denker <>:

> On May 20, 2013, at 4:44 PM, Paul Davidowitz <> wrote:
>> I just started following this Dev mailing list, and I saw that 'AST
>> Everywhere' and 'Reflectivity' were mentioned as very promising (I
>> already know about Slots).
>> Can someone in a nutshell please describe these developments? Thanks,
> Right now, the compiler uses it's own AST, Syntax highlighting uses a very 
> minimal
> token stream (and it's own parser), the refactoring engine has one, too.
> And then there is Bytecode which is used by the Debugger, for example.
> As a first step we plan to use the Refactoring AST for everything
> (Compiler, Refactoring, Syntax highlighting )
> There is a AST Interpreter useful for experimenting, maybe in the future the
> debugger can use this instead of relying on byte code. (but this is for far 
> later).
> Now with the AST already there, all the tools can rely on it  (Gisela Decuzzi 
> is working on this:)
> Navigation. When selecting code or navigating expressions, the editor can do 
> better then just using word boundaries:
> Suggestions. When we want to do an actions on a selection, why not just show 
> those that make sense? 
> Why do I need to carefully highlight a  selector to browser implementors? The 
> AST model can do much better!
> Reflectivity
> =========
> Behavioral Reflection is quite interesting.. but there is not that much in 
> Smalltalk by default to deeply hook
> into how code is executed.
> There are MethodWrappers (to be loaded as an additional tool). There is an 
> in-image Bytecode Interpreter
> (hidden in ContextPart).
> People started to want more. "In this class, all Ivar accesses should be 
> treated differently". Things like that.
> So people tried to improve Smalltalk in the past. E.g. adding a CLOS Style 
> MOP (Noury did that with MetaClassTalk).
> But it is difficult to do it in a way that it does not get very slow (not 
> introduce an overhead for every operation).
> And in the end, the MetaClass style MOP is quite limiting: All change of 
> semantic is done *per Class*. Already
> quite nice, but limiting...
> So in 2003 Eric Tanter finished his PhD and he invented this:
> Eric Tanter , Jacques Noye , Denis Caromel , Pierre Cointe:
> Partial Behavioral Reflection: Spatial and Temporal Selection of Reification 
> And as fate wanted, he was visiting in Bern the week before Christmas 2004, 
> which gave me enough
> time to implement a Bytecode Transformation thing in the style of  Javassist  
> that this stuff was using.
> But it was cumbersome… so at some point I thought "Bytecode Sucks", and took 
> the Reflex model but
> transported it on the AST Level.
> So… what this means is that the AST can be annotated with so-called "meta 
> links". When you set a link,
> the system behind the scene makes sure that new code is generated on the next 
> call. 
> One way to think about this is that these links are just extremely 
> generalized break-points. So you can 
> set a link that says "before this node, send #halt to Halt". 
> But they are much more powerful:
>       -> selector
>       -> metaObject
>       -> what to pass as parameters
>       -> a condition
>       -> is it #before, #after, #around?
> can be set as wanted.
> So after some thinking one realizes that this subsumes
>       -> BreakPoints
>       -> MethodWrappers
>       -> CLOS style MOP where the class is the meta object
>       -> AOP style crosscutting. (Aspects is just a pattern on top)
>       -> ….
> e.g. Code Coverage:
> ------------------------------
> -  add a #markExecuted to RBProgramNode.
> - install this link an all the nodes that you are interested in:
> link := GPLink new metaObject: #node; selector: #markExecuted.
> (markExecuted can even deinstall the link)
> CLOS style MOP
> ----------------------
> (for sends:)
> link := GPLink new 
>       metaObject: #class; 
>       selector: #send:to:with:;
>       arguments: #(selector receiver arguments)
>       control: #instead.
> Add this link to all send nodes in your class after the compiler compiles 
> something, and
> your class hierarchy has a CLOS style where every send is indirected through 
> a method
> in the class side.
> Javassist  (or Bytesurgeon) style "execute this code before this operation"
> ------------------------
> link := GPLink new
>       metaObject: [:object | object color = Color red ifTrue: [Beeper beep]]; 
>       selector: #value:;
>    arguments: #(object).
> The nice thing is that these links are highly dynamic: they can be installed 
> quickly, remove
> themselves, propagate themselves over the AST at runtime even.
>       Marcus

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