I was looking at the output of "top" for while and Pharo was trusting the
top spot indeed.

Well, I'll look at all that this evening and give back the impressions.

I want to run several instances of Pharo on the box and it will for sure
add up. Say, 20 x 2% gives an awful lot.


On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 10:07 AM, Norbert Hartl <norb...@hartl.name> wrote:

> Am 27.05.2013 um 09:49 schrieb Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu>:
> BTW, load & cpu usage numbers can be very hard to interpret.
> really? CPU usage is pretty easy and you can see this in most OSses
> directly. 100% CPU usage is full :) Load isn't that much harder. It's just
> the load of the scheduler queue. So if some needs a rule of thumb
> safe CPU load = number of cores/processes * 0.7
> theoretical optimal CPU load = number of core/processes
> Everything above should really be investigated because you entered the
> zone where  additional CPU load can drive your machine unresponsive.
> You have less CPU usage but high load? Investigate I/O usage!
> I know you know that, Sven. I just wanted to mention it because this comes
> up from time to time. Compared to memory consumption, CPU, scheduler and
> I/O are easier targets IMHO.
> For Phil the point isn't the health of the system. It is EC2. You have to
> pay for the CPU usage on EC2 so I think he had the impression there is room
> for improvement. And indeed there is. But if you calculate it through it
> isn't really a factor.
> Norbert

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