
can you add a bug entry and propose a fix?
So that we do not forget.


>>>>> Hi guys
>>>>> why there is no variant to on:send:to:
>>>>>     "SystemAnnouncer uniqueInstance on: AddedLog send: #foo to: self.  "
>>>>> that pass also the announcement?
>>>>> Just because it is better to use on:do;?
>>>>> Stef
>>>> Huh?
>>>> It should work do do
>>>> SystemAnnouncer uniqueInstance on: AddedLog send: #foo: to: self
>>>> and get the announcement as argument…
>>>> or #foo:bar:
>>>> to get the announcer as well as the announcement.
>>>> This is one of the reasons cull: is cool! ;)
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Henry
>>> Speaking of SystemAnnouncer…
>>> In the latest dev image I've got:
>>> SystemAnnouncer uniqueInstance numberOfSubscriptions 1327
>>> Most of which are weak subscriptions for RecentMessageList.
>>> RecentMessageList class >> cleanUp
>>>        self allInstancesDo: [:rml| rml initialize].
>>> is clearly wrong, as initialize registers subscriptions for the 
>>> announcements (thus introducing duplicates), done every time you shut down 
>>> the image…
>>> maybe it should do
>>> self resetUniqueInstance instead?
>> i think
>> RecentMessageList>>registerToAnnouncements
>> should include
>> SystemAnnouncer uniqueInstance unsubscribe: self.
>> like that, even if you call #initialize multiple times, it won't
>> create duplicates.
> tried it, with the change:
> SystemAnnouncer uniqueInstance numberOfSubscriptions 467
> RecentMessageList cleanUp
> SystemAnnouncer uniqueInstance numberOfSubscriptions 93
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Igor Stasenko.
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko.

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