Ok, so, can you commit them ?


2013/6/21 Guillermo Polito <guillermopol...@gmail.com>

> To me they look ok... :)
> as I see here [1], you have no commit grants in the VMMaker repo and you
> have no user either in source.squeak.org.
> [1] http://source.squeak.org/@f1QSsdar8e_PgYbD/R72is4gY
> On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 10:32 AM, jannik laval <jannik.la...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Nop, I just send the mail.
>> I prefer you review the proposed changes :)
>> Jannik
>> 2013/6/21 Guillermo Polito <guillermopol...@gmail.com>
>>> Jannik, did you commit them? :)
>>> On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 11:23 AM, jannik laval 
>>> <jannik.la...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Making a try with "PharoIPhoneBuilder buildIPhoneSimulator."
>>>> I had to change some things:
>>>> - The method String>>getEnclosedExpressionFrom: aStream does not exists
>>>> in Pharo2.0
>>>> I took it from Pharo1.4, but probably, you have a better solution.
>>>> - There are some problems in the method
>>>> "PharoIPhoneSimulator>>setExtraTargetProperties: maker" due to
>>>> FileDirectory>>FileSystem changes. Here is the version of the method I did,
>>>> probably you want to review it (in bold is what I changed):
>>>> ---
>>>> PharoIPhoneSimulator>>setExtraTargetProperties: maker
>>>> "super setExtraTargetProperties: maker."
>>>> | precompiledHeaders plist |
>>>>  precompiledHeaders := (self executableName, '_Prefix.pch').
>>>>  *(maker buildDir / precompiledHeaders) writeStream *
>>>> nextPutAll: self precompiledHeaders;
>>>> close.
>>>>  maker addXCodeProperty: 'GCC_PREFIX_HEADER' value: '${buildDir}/',
>>>> precompiledHeaders.
>>>>  self setCommonProperties: maker.
>>>> " generated and add Info.plist file "
>>>>  plist := self plistFile.
>>>> *(maker buildDir / 'Info.plist') writeStream*
>>>> nextPutAll: plist;
>>>>  close.
>>>> maker addProperty: 'MACOSX_BUNDLE_INFO_PLIST' value:
>>>> '${buildDir}/Info.plist'.
>>>>  maker
>>>> cmd: 'set_target_properties'
>>>> params: self executableName, ' PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-include \"',
>>>> (self buildDir / self prefixHeaderFileName) fullName, '\""'.
>>>> toString: self codeSignIdentity.
>>>> toString: self targetedDeviceFamilyAsString.
>>>> to: self deploymentTargetVersion.
>>>> toString: '$(BUILD_DIR)/$(CONFIGURATION)'.
>>>> toString: '$(BUILD_DIR)/$(CONFIGURATION)'.
>>>> maker set: 'EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH' toString:* self outputDir fullName*
>>>> .
>>>>  maker puts: 'set_source_files_properties(${srcVMDir}/gcc3x-cointerp.c
>>>> ---
>>>> After these two changes, all seems working.
>>>> Thank you for the work.
>>>> Jannik
>>>> 2013/6/19 Igor Stasenko <siguc...@gmail.com>
>>>>> On 19 June 2013 16:34, Guillermo Polito <guillermopol...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> > Yes, but right now moving from FileDirectory to FileSystem will make
>>>>> harder
>>>>> > the merge between VMMaker branches.
>>>>> > And cleaning and removing stuff will make it worse...
>>>>> >
>>>>> > So either we keep the mess or we lose the ability to easily merge :)
>>>>> >
>>>>> i don't think Cog will ever run on riscos in future.. (while on ARM,
>>>>> in general, it will).
>>>>> but it definitely won't use RiscOSVMMaker.
>>>>> I see no reason changing that, especially that Eliot made an effort to
>>>>> use single VMMaker class suitable to be used for building Cog on all
>>>>> platforms.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Igor Stasenko.
>>>> --
>>>> ~~Dr. Jannik Laval~~
>>>> École des Mines de Douai
>>>> Enseignant-chercheur
>>>> http://www.jannik-laval.eu
>> --
>> ~~Dr. Jannik Laval~~
>> École des Mines de Douai
>> Enseignant-chercheur
>> http://www.jannik-laval.eu


~~Dr. Jannik Laval~~
École des Mines de Douai

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