
Apparently, it happens that we get an error "Frame buffer status: Unknown 
error". The error comes from the method checkStatus:

        | status |
        self bind.
        status := gl checkFramebufferStatusEXT: GL_FRAMEBUFFER.
        status = GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE ifFalse: [
                ) do: [:sym | 
                        (self class bindingOf: sym) ifNotNil: [:b | 
                                status = b value ifTrue: [ ^ self error: 'Frame 
buffer is incomplete: ', b key ]        ].
                ^ self error: 'Frame buffer status: Unknown error'.
        ^ true "ok"

Any idea what's going on?

We took a Pharo 2.0, loaded Athens, NBOpenGL, SourceCity, and roassal3d. 
Running the test of roassal3d shows this.
I suspect this error comes from some interaction between the tests. Closing an 
opengl window is enough to desallocate the opengl resources?

Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu

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