
I cannot wait to clunky dictionary-based instance variable extensions with


On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 5:00 PM, Marcus Denker <>wrote:

> Hi,
> Today we turned on the SlotClassBuilder… this means actually quite a huge
> change, as it puts into place
> lots of things that we can build on later.
> What it means for now
>         -> A new, much easier to understand ClassBuilder
>         -> meta Objects. Layouts + Slots
> For example, there is now for every instance variable a meta object that
> describes it
> It will be very interesting to see what we can do with that!
> Thanks to Toon + Camillo for the original implementation, and Martin Dias
> with Camillo
> for the work to get in really into 3.0.
>         Marcus


"Every thing has its own flow"

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