Camillo wrote:
>Does anybody here distinguish failures and errors for real when doing TDD?

Yes, it has a special meaning AND is very helpfull - ESPECIALLY when you start 
with tests first (XPStyle):
Usually one writes the tests and then you try to get them from red over yellow 

red:    there is a real error, for instance a message is not yet implemented 
(maybe only the test was written 
        and one uses the debugger and the "Create" functionality to create the 

yellow: the basic calls are there/messages implemented and working (no DNU) but 
an expectation is not yet 
        met since an assertion fails

green:  everything is OK

Or to quote Kent Beck:

"Failures and Errors

The framework distinguishes between failures and errors. A failure is an 
anticipated problem. When you write tests, you check for expected results. If 
you get a different answer, that is a failure. An error is more catastrophic, a 
error condition you didn't check for."

Please keep it separated, it is very usefull.

>Besides the complexity added to the testing framework it is a burden for 

Learning about Pragmas, Methods, Classes, Debugger, marking expected failures, 
... is also a burden for newcomers.
Will we throw them out? No!

SUnit is still really simple and a pleasure to work with!


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