On 2013-07-10, at 08:05, Max Leske <maxle...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 09.07.2013, at 23:28, Camillo Bruni <camillobr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 2013-07-09, at 21:23, Frank Shearar <frank.shea...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 9 July 2013 19:45, Camillo Bruni <camillobr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I continue my rant with should:raise:description:
>>>> a) self should: [ Error signal: 'error message' ] raise: Halt description: 
>>>> 'message'.
>>>> b) self should: [ 1 + 2 ]                         raise: Halt description: 
>>>> 'message'.
>>>> In the first case you do not get the 'message' but 'error message'.
>>>> In the second case you get the 'message'.
>>>> Does the description make sense in this case?
>>>> 1. if you signal Halt everything is fine
>>>> 2. Every other case is a failure
>>>> 3. In case a) an internal failure happens so the test fails anyway, fine, 
>>>> but no description
>>>> 4. A strange? case where the tests actually DO pass but we nevertheless 
>>>> want to print a description.
>>>> Can anybody give me a convincing case for 4?
>>>> Sorry, after this I will stop :D
>>> In case (a) I would actually expect to see something like: "message.
>>> Unexpected Error raised: 'error message'".
>>> In case (b) I'd want to see "message: no Halt raised"
>>> I can't think of why you would want a description for a success case,
>>> so #4 just seems weird!
>> exactly! :) I agree on that ;). Now the question is on how to properly fix 
>> this
>> for debugging. Since you actually want to debug on the unexpected Exception 
>> in 
>> case a)... 
> YESSSS!! That's about the thing I hate the most about SUnit: if a testrun 
> fails because #should: fails, the signaler context is gone. That's SO 

I managed to solve this by added Exception >> #signalIn: aContext, like that I 
can signal
an AssertionFailure with the proper error message in place of the original 
error. so you get
1) a proper error message in the debugger and test output
2) the debugger opens at the very place the original exception was signaled :)

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