Hi Ben,
Thanks for the references, I've also found this post interesting:

On 2 août 2013, at 06:03, b...@openinworld.com wrote:

> greetings all,
> I'm in the final weeks of writing up my Masters dissertation and seeking some 
> scholarly references to Smalltalk being "Strongly Typed."
> I my review of Smalltalk I was surprised to find that [1] describes Smalltalk 
> as Strongly Typed, since Smalltalk is sometimes denigrated as being untyped / 
> weakly typed. From reviewing discussion forums this now makes sense, but I 
> can only find one of scholarly reference that briefly mentions this [2].  The 
> most enlightening is [3] which defines Type Strength as:
> "A strongly typed language prevents any operation on the wrong type of data. 
> In weakly typed languages there are ways to escape this restriction: type 
> conversions"
> meaning that getting a MNU is a form of Strong Typing since you can't make a 
> Smalltalk object run a method that is not its own.  The problem appears to be 
> that Strong Typing has been synonymous with Static Typing for a long time, 
> and Static Typing strongly ties types to variables, except in Dynamically 
> Typed languages, I think types can be considered independently from 
> variables, in which case the definition of [3] has some merit, hence 
> Smalltalk is Strongly Typed.
> Sounds controversial, so I'm just hoping for some peer reviewed backup - but 
> only you have something easily to hand. This is just a small thing I can just 
> leave out if necessary.
> cheers -ben
> [1] http://www.squeak.org/Features/
> [2] p15, 
> http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
> [3] http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/publicaties/rapporten/cw/CW415.pdf

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