Dne 02. 09. 2013 14:09, piše Sven Van Caekenberghe:
> It seems SpFilename is not ported to FileSystem, it still references 
> FileDirectory which is gone. I know, its a pain. 

Aida doesn't need filesystem support, that's why current Sport works ok,
even that its tests fail. I suppose quick solution would be to add
loading old file suport in ConfigurationOfSport? Can someone do that
quickly (see ConfigurationOfSport on SmalltalkHub)
> FileResourceTests and some Swazoo tests hence fail with an error.
> I was looking for the Geolocation support, but can't seem to find it. Where 
> should I look ?

There is no docs or dev notes yet, but usage is simple. Say you'd like
to show your location on realtime example:
http://demo.aidaweb.si/demos?view=realtime. Look at the
WebDemo/WebDemoApp classes:

WebDemoApp viewRealtime
  self page addGeolocationScript. "to report current geolocation"
  loc := self session geolocation "instance of WebGeolocation"
    addText: 'My current location is: ';
    addText: loc locationPoint printString.

When you switch-on the geolocation, the browser starts sending the
geolocation changes by Ajax or (in this realtime case) WebSocket to the
current session. It is stored in an instance of WebGeolocation class.

It can be simple to extend it by showing the location of last who
changed the counter (by help of additional instvar lastLocation in
WebDemo domain object):

WebDemoApp viewRealtime
  (e cell addButtonText: ' Decrement ')
       [self observee decCounter.
       self observee lastLocation: self session geolocation].

Best regards

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