I'm using Pharo 2.0 on Ubuntu 13.10 and I can't seem to get sound working.
Getting sound to work on Linux seems to be a common problem. While I've
checked the archive for solutions, none of them work for me. I've
investigated a bit and here's what I've found:

Inside of the /usr/lib/pharo-vm directory, I see the following:
vm-sound-pulse.so (I added that based on an archive post that this would

When I do "pharo -vm-sound-null pharo.image", it works correctly.
When I do "pharo -vm-sound-ALSA pharo.image", it gives me an error that
"could not find module vm-sound-ALSA".

When I do "pharo-help", I find that the only sound driver available is
"vm-sound-null", though the others are clearly there in the directory. Is
there anything I can do to make the VM acknowledge that the other files are



Jochen "Jeff" Rick, Ph.D.
Skype ID: jochenrick

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