kilon wrote:
>How does "extending Pharo help tool " sounds ? :)

Sounds good, but:

I looked at your!/~kilon/Prometheas today and 
unfortunately you follow the "same old way" of building UI's as I did in my 
original help browser implementation.

It's up to you (since it is your project) but I would rather see a completely 
new help browser implementation based on Spec.

Let me tell you why: I also wrote the Config browser for Pharo, initially 
"old style" with an #initWindow and then later converted it to be based on Spec
with a #defaultSpec.

It was much easier (even when there was no UI builder available at this time).

It is now possible to combine it with the other tools AND use it in the new 
UI builder. If you want to check load the latest version of the new UI painter:

     Gofer new
       smalltalkhubUser: 'ErwanDouaille' project: 'UIPainter';
       configurationOf: 'UIPainter';
    ((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfUIPainter) project version: 'baseline-0.1') 

go to "Tools" -> "UIPainter" and drag the MetacelloConfigurationBrowser or the 
from the "Model" node onto the canvas.

So if a future help tool will be based on Spec as well it could easily be
integrated into any future Pharo tool.

So if you have cycles to spend on the help system please go for a Spec version,
but as I said it is up to you. Thanks!



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