As I need an image that runs longer than 24 hours I'm looking at some stuff and 
wonder. Can anybody explain me the rationale for a code like this

maxExternalSemaphores: aSize 
        "This method should never be called as result of normal program
        execution. If it is however, handle it differently:
        - In development, signal an error to promt user to set a bigger size
        at startup immediately.
        - In production, accept the cost of potentially unhandled interrupts,
        but log the action for later review.
        See comment in maxExternalObjectsSilently: why this behaviour is
        desirable, "
        "Can't find a place where development/production is decided.
        Suggest Smalltalk image inProduction, but use an overridable temp
        meanwhile. "
        | inProduction |
        self maxExternalSemaphores
                ifNil: [^ 0].
        inProduction := false.
        ^ inProduction
                ifTrue: [self maxExternalSemaphoresSilently: aSize.
                        self crTrace: 'WARNING: Had to increase size of 
semaphore signal handling table due to many external objects concurrently in 
                                 crTrace: 'You should increase this size at 
startup using #maxExternalObjectsSilently:';
                                 crTrace: 'Current table size: ' , self 
maxExternalSemaphores printString]
                ifFalse: ["Smalltalk image"
                        self error: 'Not enough space for external objects, set 
a larger size at startup!'
                        "Smalltalk image"]

I have reported this once but got no feedback so I like to have a few opinions.

The report is here:


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