I also teach Pharo in an advanced lecture on software engineering. Students are 
familiar with Java already.
I usually ask the students to implement the Mine game from Pharo by Example. I 
also ask them to read the 9 nine chapters.
I then ask them to work on Moose by realizing some code assessment tasks. 

Are you guys using a different tutorial?


On Oct 20, 2013, at 11:55 AM, Noury Bouraqadi <bouraq...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm teaching Pharo to students that are already familiar with Java (master 
> level).
> I take full Pharo and they are quite disturbed by both the syntax and the 
> disconnection with files. That was my goal actually to make them discover a 
> totally different universe.
> Some end up loving it, and even turn Smalltalkers :-)
> Still I'm interested by a simplified environment at least for the first lab 
> sessions.
> Noury
> On 20 oct. 2013, at 04:50, Herve Verjus wrote:
>> I also teach OOP using Pharo for undergraduate students (bachelor level). I 
>> don't customize Pharo, it's nice and enjoyable as it is. My first and very 
>> simple exercices require object inspector to observe effects due to direct 
>> messages sent to objects. Thus, object inspector permits me to explain 
>> object state, object behavior,...
>> I think to experience Pharo in another curriculum for non computer scientist 
>> (and non programer) students and students that are not aware of this kind of 
>> materials (they learn excel, macros, and do data computation and data sorts. 
>> dot). First I will have to convince colleagues that learning programing is 
>> nice and usefull even for non computer scientist students ;-) Second, I'll 
>> need to justify Pharo among other appealing technologies (javascript...).
>> I'm interested in seeing what I can do with your environment.
>> Cheers,
>> Herve
>> On 20 oct. 2013, at 02:54, Nicolas Passerini <npasser...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> We also teach using Pharo here in Argentina.
>>> We also have created a simplified enviroment for beginner programmers 
>>> called Ozono (formerly Loop).
>>> I think it would be nice to share our teaching experiences!
>>>> I've been teaching introductory programming in Pharo for the last three 
>>>> semesters and starting my fourth. I was wondering whether anyone else is 
>>>> doing that. I've put quite a bit of effort into it and would be willing to 
>>>> share my materials if anyone was interested. For instance, I've created a 
>>>> few little MicroWorlds for beginners to use (jumping directly into the 
>>>> browser is too difficult for complete programming novices). One is for 
>>>> doing turtle graphics. I've gone ahead and shared that for Pharo 2.0. You 
>>>> can get it in the Configuration Browser under the name EduTech. If you 
>>>> have some interest, let me know and I'll see what I can do.
>>> I'm :)
>>> I have boys at home and I would love to have some material to pair program 
>>> with them.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Jeff
>>>> -- 
>>>> Jochen "Jeff" Rick, Ph.D.
>>>> http://www.je77.com/
>>>> Skype ID: jochenrick
> Noury Bouraqadi
> Ecole des Mines de Douai
> http://car.mines-douai.fr/noury
> --

Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu

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