
I've spent the day poking around in different parts of ZnServers and Sockets and got about as far as I can. I've reported a lot of stuff on the Case [1], and some expert review would now be useful - but you might want to skip to the end where I suggest a way that the problem might be invoked/simulated at your end on an otherwise working Max or Linux system.

cheers -ben wrote:
While trying to debug this I found the error went away when I put a breakpoint to step through ZnMultiThreadedServer>>executeOneRequestResponseOn: Presuming a race condition I played with adding delays until I managed to isolate the following case...

ZnMultiThreadedServer>>executeOneRequestResponseOn: stream
     | request response |
    (Delay forMilliseconds: 30) wait.  "<-----   <20 fails. >30 succeeds."
    (request := self readRequestSafely: stream)
        ifNil: [ ^ true ]
        ifNotNil: [
             response := self handleRequest: request.
            self augmentResponse: response forRequest: request.
            self writeResponseSafely: response on: stream.
            response useConnection: stream.
    ^ request wantsConnectionClose or: [ response wantsConnectionClose ]

I've got more info coming, so I've raised ticket [1] to continue discussion.

cheers -ben


Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
> Ben,
> The goal of the test is to confirm that the server returns an error (refuses 
a request) when any line, in this case the first so called request line, it too 
long. Hence the artificially constructed URL. Of course, if you make it shorter, 
at one point it will be short enough so that it no longer fails - but that defeats 
the purpose of the test ;-)
> Now, the problem with this test and 3 other ones that are related, checking 
the reaction to other limits, is that they pass on Mac and Linux, but fail 
(randomly) on Windows, when ZdcSocketStream is used instead of SocketStream, 
currently the default. I have already looked into this, but up to now I failed to 
find the problem. The Socket class uses a number of primitives which have totally 
different implementations on the 3 platforms.
> Yes, I could use some help, but this is not easy.
> I also think there already is an issue for this, but I can't find it.
> Sven
> On 19 Oct 2013, at 18:54, wrote:
> >> wrote: >> >>> In the process of tying to review the slices for a few issues, I downloaded build #30500 from [1]. (Normally I use but I wanted to ensure it was a "GREEN" build.) However before loading the slice to review I double-checked the baseline test results by running all tests from TestRunner. I had presumed all tests would be green but was surprised by some failures in the result. Well it maybe it has something to do with environment, but it would be nice for it to be clean to help isoalte any errors introduced by the slice under review. Before I log anything on Fogbugz in case someone can advise anything obvious, the Test Runner result is shown below [2].
>>> My platform is 64-bit Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1.
>>> I'll try to follow up with more specific info on each line.
>>> cheers -ben
>>> [1]
>>> [2] FAILURE ZnServerTests >> #testRequestLineTooLong
>>> >> I extracted #testRequestLineTooLong to something I can evaluate from Workspace...
>> | numX url fudge |
>> fudge := 0.
>> numX := ZnConstants maximumLineLength - fudge . (url := ZnUrl fromString: 
>>   addPathSegment: #echo;
>>   addPathSegment: (String new: numX withAll: $X).
>> ZnClient new
>>       beOneShot;
>>       logToTranscript;
>>       url: url;
>>       get;
>>       response
>> That fails with initial fudge factor of 0 - with 'ZnUnknownHttpVerion.' Here 
is the Transcript (including logging from ZnServer)...
>> 2013-10-20 00:45:40 489094 D Executing request/response loop
>> 2013-10-20 00:45:40 505527 I Wrote a ZnRequest(GET /echo/XXXXXXXX...XXXXX)
>> 2013-10-20 00:45:40 505527 D Sent headers
>> Accept: */*
>> User-Agent: Zinc HTTP Components 1.0
>> Connection: close
>> Host: localhost:1704
>> 2013-10-20 00:45:40 489094 D ZnLineTooLong bad request while parsing
>> 2013-10-20 00:45:40 489094 I Wrote a ZnResponse(400 Bad Request 
text/plain;charset=utf-8 27B)
>> 2013-10-20 00:45:40 489094 D Closing streamZnStatusLine
>> With a fudge factor of 9 it still fails, but with 10 it succeeds.   
Interestingly, inspect 'url' shows...
>>       http://localhost:1704/echo/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX...etc
>> ...and 10 characters = 1704/echo/
>> but then correlation does not equal cause.
>> How should we proceed?
>> cheers -ben
>> >

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