We had this idea with Marcus, and I think it’s nice :)

What would fit in that is if n gold-members vote for an issue as ‘week fixed’ 
then it’s automatically integrated :)


On 04 Nov 2013, at 00:26, Yuriy Tymchuk <yuriy.tymc...@me.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I’ve just got an idea (not something extra ordinary) to try out. Maybe we can 
> make some kind of poll where community will be able to add new feature 
> requests and vote for them. This way we can get an idea what is important to 
> most of people. Eg. see how many votes are for the stateful traits and how 
> many for the ability to quit image without prompt for saving. After writing 
> last sentence I’ve figured out that it’s a good idea to be able also to vote 
> down :)
> But I think that this can be a nice experiment. Also as we are promoting and 
> idea that “Pharo is made by you”, then new feature poll is nice to have.
> Cheers.
> Uko

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