On 17 Nov 2013, at 12:49, Andres Valloud <avall...@smalltalk.comcastbiz.net> 

> Well, maybe, although it's interesting to consider how many strings streams 
> need to beat string concatenation.  Moreover, streams aren't hyper efficient 
> either…

Yes, indeed. It also depends on what is being concatenated (constants vs 

Quick and dirty (totally unscientific):

[ 'foo', 'bar' ] bench. '4,650,000 per second.'
[ '' join: #( 'foo' 'bar' ) ] bench. '814,000 per second.'
[ String streamContents: [ :out | out nextPutAll: 'foo'; nextPutAll: 'bar' ] ] 
bench. '1,900,000 per second.'

[ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ] bench. '2,470,000 per second.'
[ '' join: #( 'foo' 'bar' 'baz' ) ] bench. '719,000 per second.'
[ String streamContents: [ :out | out nextPutAll: 'foo'; nextPutAll: 'bar'; 
nextPutAll: 'baz' ] ] bench. '1,710,000 per second.'

[ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'foobar' ] bench. '2,030,000 per second.'
[ '' join: #( 'foo' 'bar' 'baz' 'foobar' ) ] bench. '665,000 per second.'
[ String streamContents: [ :out | out nextPutAll: 'foo'; nextPutAll: 'bar'; 
nextPutAll: 'baz'; nextPutAll: 'foobar' ] ] bench. '1,580,000 per second.' 

[ Date today asString, $- asString, Time now asString ] bench. '61,800 per 
[ String streamContents: [ :out | out print: Date today; nextPut: $-; print: 
Time now ] ] bench. '71,700 per second.'

We’re only measuring execution speed, not memory allocation, which is important 

The length of the strings is a variable as well, of course.

Furthermore, many #printOn: implementations are not very efficient while they 
should be.

Conclusion, let’s be careful with a too simple advice.


> On 11/16/13 10:09 , b...@openinworld.com wrote:
>> Code Critic rule Optimization > String concatenation instead of streams
>> says:
>> "Check for string concatenation inside some iteration message. Since
>> string concatenation is O(n^2), it is better to use streaming since it
>> is O(n) - assuming that n is large enough. As a general principal avoid
>> , since the receiver is copied. Therefore chaining , messages will lead
>> to multiple useless copies of the receiver."
>> That is,
>>     String streamContents: [:s |
>>         #('abc' 'def' 'ghi')  do: [:each | s nextPutAll: each asString]]
>> should be used instead of...
>>     'abc' , 'def' , 'ghi'.
>> However the first clutters the code.  What about something like...
>>     { 'abc' . 'def' . 'ghi' } asStreamString
>> where
>>     Collection>>asStreamString
>>         ^ String streamContents: [:s | self do: [:each | s nextPutAll:
>> each asString]]
>> cheers -ben

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