Hi esteban

I'm looking for a change due to the TreePackage introduction. 
Before I could simply do something like the following to unload Nautilus

        Smalltalk tools remove: #browser.
        Smalltalk tools register: Browser as: #browser.
        (MCWorkingCopy forPackage: (MCPackage named: 'NautilusRefactoring')) 
unload. "OK"

        #Nautilus asClass cleanUp.
        KMRepository reset.
        KMPragmaKeymapBuilder release.
        #NautilusUI asClass allSubInstances do: [ :inst |
                SystemAnnouncer uniqueInstance unsubscribe: inst].
        Smalltalk garbageCollect.
        (MCWorkingCopy forPackage: (MCPackage named: 'NautilusCommon')) unload.
        (MCWorkingCopy forPackage: (MCPackage named: 'Nautilus')) unload.

And now if does not work anymore. I get some TreePackage around.

Apparently I get a weakMessageSend on classRemoved: and this message refers to 
an obsoletePackageTreeNautilus class.

buildGroupManagerFor: anInstance

        | holder |
        holder := GroupHolder new.
                addADynamicClassGroupSilentlyNamed: 'Most Viewed Classes' 
                block: [ anInstance recentClassesElements ]) removable: false.
                addADynamicClassGroupSilentlyNamed: 'Last Modified Classes'
                block: [ self lastModifiedClasses ]) removable: false.
                addADynamicGroupSilentlyNamed: 'Work'
                block: [ {} ]) removable: true; isFillable: true.
        ^ holder

Do you have any idea? A registration mechanism? from which I forgot to 


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