I do not really get it because we mentioned that several times. 
Grease maintainers should simply produce a new version and Seaside/users should 
use this new version.

> But *Grease* still is  the problem: in the tradition of the wonderful 
> philosophy “Lets keep all smalltalk crappy
> and provide some layer on top”, it redefines #package and therefore requires 
> that no Smalltalk ever
> implements #packages on the class side to return the system concept of 
> package. 
> What you need to find out: Why does Grease need a #package method? Is there a 
> GreasePackage class?
> What is it’s responsibility? wouldn’t it be good enough to have a #gpackage 
> method?
> In general, you should evaluate Grease and put all the *concepts* it adds 
> into Pharo itself. This way even
> the Core system can use them and everything gets better.
>       Marcus

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