Hi all,

The build farm we use for continuous integration is powered by CloudStack.
The version currently running is CloudStack 3.0.
We will upgrade to CloudStack 4.2, a version supported by the apache community 
and fixing a lot of bugs.
We hope to have a more reliable cloud with this upgrade.
It will also allow, in a closed future, a storage extension (almost full at 
this time).

This upgrade will have impacts on the service but we hope that they will be 
very short.
At the end of the morning/beginning of the afternoon, you may notice:
ci.inria.fr downtime (need to reboot some servers)
cloudstack portal downtime (upgrade)
maybe we will need to restart slaves after the upgrade.

To summarize, the CI platform (jenkins, slaves) should be available as usual 
but there may be some downtimes.

Thank you for your understanding,

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