Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
On 26 Feb 2014, at 17:21, wrote:

Nice initiative - but up to about 50 seconds the image is so compressed it is unreadable.
cheers -ben
No, it's not. The movie is properly HD, 720p (1280 px × 720 px). YouTube automatically adapts the quality setting depending on the quality of your connection. It probably started with a lower quality settings and switched half way.

Whoops sorry. Its a shame that YouTube does that, and unfortunate that without end-to-end control of the quality you don't know how many people will get a poor impression.  I'd much rather a stream/download take longer to complete and watching it without interruption after the download is complete.
cheers -ben
Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
Pharo 3.0 on Windows 8.1 
Installing and running Pharo 3.0 on a blank Windows 8.1 machine in under 1 minute.

With an extra minute to demo some elementary interactions.


Sven Van Caekenberghe
Proudly supporting Pharo



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