Am 26.02.2014 um 21:29 schrieb Pharo4Stef <>:

> one of these days we will have to remove TimeStamp because it just adds noise 
> to the system (in fact I would not have any problem to see DateAndTime 
> renamed as timestamp - but having the two for nothing looks useless to me).


I don’t really get what the use of it is, too. The mere fact that DateAndTime 
printString returns ISO8601 dates and TimeStamp does not makes me always use 
DateAndTime instead. My problem is that I often take a „snapshot of time“ (like 
in a log event) that for me as a non-native speaker is more related to the word 
timeStamp than DatenAndTime which sounds like a date and time management 
object. But everytime I write

timeStamp := DateAndTime now

it feels wrong. So I would be glad if there would be some clarification here.


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