2014-02-26 23:08 GMT+01:00 Nicolas Cellier <

> That's exactly for this kind of reasons that I developped an
> ExtendedNumberParser connected to Number class>>readFrom:, to allow a
> variety of formats used in the rest of the world.
> It would have been easy to allow upper letter exponents in this parser,
> but the class was considered superfluous and removed from Pharo 3.0...
> super easy is just redefine:


and then Float readFrom: '1.0000000000000000E-02' works as expected, that
is in Squeak at least...

> 2014-02-26 22:38 GMT+01:00 Mariano Martinez Peck <marianop...@gmail.com>:
> Hi guys,
>> When I export SmallDoubles with SIXX in GemStone it generates something
>> like this:
>> <sixx.object sixx.id="15" sixx.name="close" sixx.type="SmallDouble"
>> >1.0000000000000000E-02</sixx.object>
>> This is because "0.01 asString" -> '1.0000000000000000E-02'
>> Then I want to load this in Pharo. So first problem is that of course
>> SmallDouble doesn't exist. So I did:
>> aSixxShapeChangeStream shapeChangers at: #SmallDouble put: Float.
>> But then, SIXX use Float >> readFrom: aStream
>> "Answer a new Float as described on the stream, aStream." ^(super
>> readFrom: aStream) asFloat
>> So, of course " Float readFrom: '1.0000000000000000E-02'  "  ->  1.0
>> So my 0.01 in gemstone become 1.0 in Pharo....
>> Am I doing something wrong or this is expected? What is the best
>> workaround?
>> In GemStone I could print the SmallDouble in the XML with a method like
>> Float >> xmlRepresentation
>> ^ String streamContents:
>> [:strm | self printOn: strm base: 10]
>> Is this the correct approach? If true, I guess I should define:
>> Float >> sixxContentOn: aStream indent: level context: dictionary aStream
>> nextPutAll: self xmlRepresentation
>> Thoughts?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> --
>> Mariano
>> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com

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