Le 06/03/2014 13:59, Stephan Eggermont a écrit :
How is git support for Pharo going to work?
Because currently it takes extra effort.
I noticed some Pharo users moving their code to
github, making it less accessible.

I know a few different ways to get git installed on a mac:
(finkproject, brew, macports, xcode, git-osx-installer, git-scm.com)
and they result in git not always being /usr/bin/git.
Then there are the differences between system wide installs
and installs for specific users, and the different OS versions.

gitfiletree: does not depend on /usr/bin/git; it requires a git command somewhere on $PATH.

Thierry Goubier
CEA list
Laboratoire des Fondations des Systèmes Temps Réel Embarqués
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