
I'm announcing the first official release of RenoirSt, a DSL enabling
programmatic cascading style sheet generation for Pharo.

For the impatient, you can load it in your 3.0 image evaluating:

Gofer it
    url: 'http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/gcotelli/RenoirSt/main';
    configurationOf: 'RenoirSt';

or download a ready to use image from the Contribution CI
Server<https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/job/RenoirSt/> (
a ConfigurationBrowser option comming soon).

Visit the project page <http://gcotelli.github.io/RenoirSt/> and GitHub
repository <https://github.com/gcotelli/RenoirSt> for more information on
the supported and planned features, and check-out the online

I hope you find it useful. Feel free to ask any questions, suggest ideas
and improvements, or report bugs (the issue tracker is in GitHub).


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