Keep pushing.

On 14 Mar 2014, at 11:11, Max Leske <maxle...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone
> I promised to keep you posted about the progress, so here goes:
> - Esteban and I worked together yesterday and we got callbacks working
> - I will now do some cleanup so that its actually possible to work on libgit2 
> (some bindings have changed between versions 0.18 and 0.20 and I need to find 
> out which)
> - Esteban and I will sit together again on Monday and prepare work for others 
> / implement the object model on top of libgit2. I hope that we can separate 
> tasks so that multiple people can work in parallel
> In my opinion we should be able to create local repositories, perform 
> commits, switch branches and do checkouts by tuesday next week. 
> Optimistically, fetch and push should also work by the end of the week.
> But that’s really just conjecture and I’ll keep you all posted.
> Just a reminder: at the moment we are working to get Git running with 
> NativeBoost *at all*. Plans for abstraction, Monticello <-> Git, Github etc. 
> should certainly be discussed, but don’t expect those things to be there at 
> the end of next week.
> Max

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