On Sun, Mar 16, 2014 at 8:18 PM, S Krish

>    1.
>    Since then, Smalltalk (SqueakNOS <http://squeaknos.blogspot.com/>),
>    Forth (colorForth <http://www.colorforth.com/cf.htm>), and Lisp 
> (Genera<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genera_(operating_system)>)
>    have all flirted with becoming operating systems, and 
> Oberon<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oberon_(programming_language)>
>     was 
> designed<http://www.inf.ethz.ch/personal/wirth/ProjectOberon/PO.System.pdf>
>     to be one <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oberon_(operating_system)> from
>    the start. But none achieved economic success, for the simple reason that
>    none of the projects involved attempted to provide value to people. They
>    solved technical problems to validate that their concepts can work in the
>    real world, but did not pursue the delivery of better solutions to
>    real-world problems than would otherwise be 
> possible.↩<http://davidad.github.io/blog/2014/03/12/the-operating-system-is-out-of-date/#fnref:1>
> Except that his statement is complete bollocks.  Smalltalk /did/ deliver
better solutions to real-world problems.   It delivered the modern desktop.
 But since it was a research vehicle it didn't deliver this directly.  But
if Smalltalk hadn't have been invented then the modern desktop would have
turned up much later.

Pharo hopefully corrects the course..
> From :
> http://davidad.github.io/blog/2014/03/12/the-operating-system-is-out-of-date/
> Most of all, let’s rethink the received wisdom that you should teach your
> computer to do things in a programming language and run the resulting
> program on an operating system. A righteous operating system should be a
> programming language. And for goodness' sake, let’s not use the entire
> network stack just to talk to another process on the same machine which is
> responsible for managing a database using the filesystem stack. At least
> let’s use shared memory (that’s what it’s *for*!). But if we believe in
> the future — if we believe in ourselves — let’s dare to ask why, anyway,
> does the operating system give you this “filesystem” thing that’s no good
> as a database and expect you to just accept that “stuff on computers goes
> in folders, lah”? Any decent software environment ought to have a fully
> featured database, built in, and no need for a “filesystem”.


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